Friday, January 30, 2009

Our Daughter is a Suicide Girl (Model)

My daughter who's in the Army has been accepted as a Suicide Girl/Model. If you've heard of the Suicide girls... she's one of them. All she has to do now is get her portfolio completed and sign her tax papers.

It's for girls who are inked and pierced. You don't get accepted with one or two tats, or even 5. She has 18. Sleeves, tribals, etc etc. Some of her poses will be nude. (back off freaks)

Maybe I'll give you a sneak peek some time. She's hot!!! (yep, think I will)

Did I ever mention Girls Gone Wild? Hm, well that's another story. ~laughs

Very different from her army pics, no smiling, no makeup... just tough.

I'm so proud of her. Achieving her goals and her dreams nearly all at once.

Oh and she's coming home again in April after she completes her AIT. Since she enlisted into the Army through the reserves, she gets to come home before being deployed to Germany. Yay!

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