It was a great time in many ways and in a few others not so good. Me, I had a blast! I danced with others on the dance floor, I flirted, teased, just had lots of fun. I was hoping I would since I had to be in the surgery center yesterday for a LSNB (pain block). We'll get back to that in a minute.
Back to the bar.. they had a live DJ, quite a few people I know were there, including a man I've known for about 20 years. He's getting married. First marriage for both him and his girl. I'm really happy about that and happy for him.
It was suppose to be a belated birthday gathering as one daughter turned 22 on the 11th and the other 21 on the 15th.
All the couples they grew up with came, we must have had 20 people there not including ourselves. It turned out to be more of a party for the oldest than the youngest and I felt really bad.
One daughter let all her friends know to be there, the other didn't. sighs
Something happened later and 2nd daughter and 1st daughters baby daddy split and walked home. sigh sigh sigh
We spent the night in West Sac that night at their apt and took a cab there. No drinking and driving!
Came home the next morning.
As for my time at the pain and diagnostics surgery center yesterday morning. I came home and slept like I haven't in months. I'm sore from the injections and have some pain from my illnesses, but I'm happy with the results, just worried it won't last long. I go back to pain management tomorrow to either change my meds or set up additional blocks. Those are my only options at this time.
In photo- Jessica, Ebony, Me, Kharisma and Leslie
Until next time...