Sunday, June 28, 2009


In my previous post I mentioned cutting. While some may wonder why I added that at all.. it's my party and I'll cry if I want to. lol

Okay but seriously...

It was not for pity or attention... it was because people do do this. I've done it. Some can say those of us who have are crazy... (I am crazy lol). We aren't that crazy after all.

It is a release of sorts. For me pain diverts pain, a distraction. When you are barely holding on and you can't get rid of physical or emotion pain... it's a reaction.

That's all.

All in one sweep of my nails from my right fingers... I did it to my left arm. There wasn't any warning... it simply occurred. I had already done it to my upper wrist 2 days prior. I wear a scruncie on my wrist, so no one could see at program.

This has nothing to do with attempted suicide or suicidal ideations...

It's like a swimming pool full of water... and pulling the plug to let it out...

Until next time...

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